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Sunday 25 December 2011

The Christmas Haul...

Today, for those cave-dwellers out there, was Christmas. I received a few Warhammer gifts today, including an Imperial Sector, and therefore my Christmas (at least the parts not taken up by watching Doctor Who or stuffing my face) consisted of gluing, slicing and mangling plastic. The end result was a load more buildings, meaning my terrain selection now stands at:
5 Manufactorums (2 medium, 2 small and 1 tiny, but I built this to go together modularly to form one large complex)
4 Basilica Administratums (1 extra large, 1 large, 1 medium and 1 small)
2 Sanctum Imperialis' (1 medium and 1 extra large)
1 Shrine of the Aquila
2 Gothic Ruins
2 Hills
1 Random Scratch Built piece of Manufactorum machinery
6 Urban Ruins and Barricades
8 Pieces of Aegis Defense Line
5 Craters
Expect pictures soon...

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