Today, myself and friend Callum set out to play a Warhammer 40,000 match... I collect the Salamander chapter of the Space Marines and he collects Orks. With not much scenery to spare, we decided to play a limited game with only 500 or so points worth of army.
The setup |
On my side I was using a Tactical Squad of 10 Marines, including a sergeant with chain-sword, a marine with a flamer and a marine with a multi-melter, a Terminator Squad and a Dreadnought.
My Salamanders |
Callum had a mob of 20 Ork Boyz, a group of 10 Ork Nobz, 3 Deffkopters and an Ork Warboss.
Callum's Orks |
The synopsis we decided upon was that Orks had taken a ruined church on a hill overlooking a small manufactorum complex. A small task force of Salamders had been dispatched to deal with them.
The Manufactorum Complex, comprised of the Manufactorum and an overlooking Administration building |
After rolling, I got highest so got first turn...
Not much happened this turn. My Salamanders pushed forward a little way and the Ork Nobz and Deffkopters moved to intercept.
The end of Turn 1 |
I moved my Marines further toward the complex, while the Orks managed to get close enough to begin firing. Despite a lethal attempt by the Deffkopters, the Tactical Squad came out unharmed. The Nobz also attempted to shoot the Terminators, but you can guess how that turned out.
Pictured: A hard-nut. |
The result of turn 2 |
Finally, the action began! I moved straight in and annihilated one of Callum's two Nob squads with my Dreadnought. Apparently assault cannon rounds are quite adept and massacring oversized goblins. The Terminators were not so lucky, as despite a valiant attempt to hit the Nobz apparently you can't shoot through solid walls. Callum attempted retaliation with the Deffkopters and the squad of Boyz but to no avail.
The result of turn 3 |
I finally got my Terminators into the manufactorum, and in celebration shot the Ork warboss down to one wound. The Dreadnought continued to kick some ass and wiped out the rest of the Ork nobz bar one.
This guy is my favourite unit. Seriously, he freakin' rocks. |
Credit where credit is due though. The brave little Ork Nob succeeded his leadership test and stood firm.
Not bad, little Ork. Not bad. |
At last, Callum then finally took out some of my marines. One of his Deffkopters got a lucky hit in and blew up one of the marines in my tactical squad. Then, after leaving the sanctuary of their hillside fortress, the Ork Boyz took out another one with their three Big Shootas. Unfortunately, brave little last Ork Nob didn't manage to kill anything.
The result of turn 4 |
With all my marines now safely housed within the manufactorum complex, I used my outside guard, the Dreadnought, to mow down four Ork Boyz. The hiding Terminators finished off the last Nob and the tactical squad took down another two Ork Boyz. Callum's Ork Boyz then unleashed the fury of twelve pissed off green-skins and their hulking master, and let loose a firestorm of bullets. All of which either bounced off the walls or the marine's armour. Oh well...
The result of turn 5 |
My Dreadnought stayed on form and took down a further five Ork Boyz. However, keeping up the good work, the Terminators and the Tactical Squad then finished off most of the others, including the Ork Warboss, leaving about six Boyz. These six then decided to seek retribution by charging the Dreadnought and taking down a leg and its assault cannon. Not to be deterred, the Dreadnought still took down two more Ork Boyz The Deffkopters tried to get the Terminators, who were once again saved by walls.
The result of turn 6 |
The Tactical Squad and Terminators then proceeded to blow the living daylights out of the Deffkopters. At which point the Orks, or rather Callum, surrendered.
Space Marine Casualties:
2 Space Marines
Ork Casualties:
16 Ork Boyz,
10 Ork Nobz,
1 Ork Warboss,
3 Ork Deffkopters
One leg down, one arm down, still awesome. |
We need more terrain...