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Monday, 17 October 2011

Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!

Just a look at my full 1400pt Salamander Space Marine Army before myself and Callum (Ork player) battle on Friday.

Overall Army
Here it is in full view, on a tile of Realm of Battle gameboard and embellished with some Battlefield Accessories. As you can see, it is not fully painted yet. It's primarily infantry as we play mostly cityfights.

This is Captain M'dlaka and his command squad, led by Veteran Sergeant D'loko. It is comprised of Company Champion, Company Flamer, Apothecary and Standard Bearer.

The two Dreadnoughts, Brother Mareni, blessed with Dreadnought Armour in 998.M41 during the Third War for Armageddon and Brother Sho'bana, blessed with Dreadnought Armour in 999.M41 while fighting Eldar and Orks. (Note: Brother Sho'bana is an Assault on Black Reach Dreadnought and has the boring plain base, so I stuck some random offcuts of Building sprues on for aesthetics.)

Tactical Squad Kan'mi, led by Sgt. Kan'mi, a relatively new sergeant.

Tactical Squad Dre'ka, led by Sgt. Dre'ka, a rugged sergeant who had a vendetta against Orks since losing his mortal arm to them in a skirmish in 996.M41

Combat Squad 'Fires of Vulkan', tasked with holding objectives and providing the Tactical Squads with covering fire. (Note: This is my newest unit and as such is in extremely early stages of construction/painting.)

Terminator Squad Iklwa, led by Veteran Sergeant Iklwa, an esteemed squad of great valour.

Assault Squad 'Flames from Above', who lead the spearhead and take the high ground, swooping down later to bring close combat fury to the enemy.

Scout Squad 'Sniper Fury', who follow the Assault Squad and hold their high ground after the Assault Marines have descended upon the enemy (Note: I know that the sergeant is missing a hand, it needs re-gluing...)
I have a checklist I hope to complete by Friday morning and the big game in regards to painting (in order):
- Basecoat everything green
- Finish painting Command Squad
- Finish painting Brother Sho'bana

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

More 40k stuff!

After a fairly long time, I have some new updates on my Warhammer 40,000 games. It's mostly a gallery of the most recent game but there's also some info about it.

This game was Salamanders, Tau and Chaos battling it out inside a former Ultramarines settlement.

The Setup
It was a 500pt game, and my Salamanders' forces were comprised of a Commander, a Tactical squad, a Combat squad and my ever faithful Dreadnought. Lee's Tau deployed a Crisis Battlesuit, a Fire Warrior team and a gun drone team. He also had a Stealth team in reserve. Guy's Chaos Space Marines fielded an army of a Rhino, five Chaos Space Marines, eight Khorne Berserkers and five Possessed Marines. Guy was also extremely lucky and rolled a six prior to the game for his Possessed, meaning they all had power weapons.

The Salamanders enter the city.
Tau survey the scene.
It was a very enjoyable game. Due to some unlucky rolls on my part...

Very unlucky.
Very very unlucky
... I was out first. There was then a very intense battle between the Tau and the Chaos, until eventually the time was up and Guy and Lee called it a draw in the name of sportsmanship.

Next time: I air my Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard for the first time...