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Tuesday 11 October 2011

More 40k stuff!

After a fairly long time, I have some new updates on my Warhammer 40,000 games. It's mostly a gallery of the most recent game but there's also some info about it.

This game was Salamanders, Tau and Chaos battling it out inside a former Ultramarines settlement.

The Setup
It was a 500pt game, and my Salamanders' forces were comprised of a Commander, a Tactical squad, a Combat squad and my ever faithful Dreadnought. Lee's Tau deployed a Crisis Battlesuit, a Fire Warrior team and a gun drone team. He also had a Stealth team in reserve. Guy's Chaos Space Marines fielded an army of a Rhino, five Chaos Space Marines, eight Khorne Berserkers and five Possessed Marines. Guy was also extremely lucky and rolled a six prior to the game for his Possessed, meaning they all had power weapons.

The Salamanders enter the city.
Tau survey the scene.
It was a very enjoyable game. Due to some unlucky rolls on my part...

Very unlucky.
Very very unlucky
... I was out first. There was then a very intense battle between the Tau and the Chaos, until eventually the time was up and Guy and Lee called it a draw in the name of sportsmanship.

Next time: I air my Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard for the first time...

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