On Monday, as it's currently Easter break, one of our PSE and one of our History teachers invited us and some other students in for a full day of pure Warhammer-ing. There was a table for beginners, there were two modelling/painting tables and finally I took in my terrain for a big game. We played a 2v2 game - Myself with my Salamanders and Callum with his Flesh Tearers versus Mr. Pinner and his Dark Eldar and Leon with his Chaos.
The Terrain and Armies |
The enemy team seized the initiative and went first. The combined forces of Chaos and Dark Eldar began to sweep into the city. The Space Marines reacted speedily and moved into adequate defensive positions, while my Ironclad Dreadnought blew up the Chaos Predator's primary weapon with its Hunter-Killer missiles.
The end of turn 1 (The fire-warriors, rhino and battlewagon are Dark Eldar proxies) |
In turn 2, the Dark Eldar raider (or rather the Rhino standing in for it) swooped down into an alley and deployed the Harlequins within. However, on the Space Marine turn Callum brought in one of his Assault Squads and his Sanguinary Guard. His Death Company swooped down and prepared to engage the
Harlequins, while the other troops pressed forward with the assault.
The end of Turn 2 |
Turn 3 was a decisive round. The Dark Eldar massacred a group of Flesh Tearers Assault Marines and the Salamanders Assault Terminators were fired up by the Khorne Berserkers and lost a man. They retaliated by raging into the Berserker squad and taking out half of them before being cut down to a single Terminator. In the industrial complex, the Salamanders Assault Squad and the Sanguinary Guard obliterated some Kabalite Warriors.
The end of Turn 3 |
The combined forces of another Berserker squad and the Kabalite warriors finished off the Flesh Tearers Assault Squad but then stumbled into the path of a Death Company.
The Space Marines brought their full fury onto the central plaza and decimated the enemy forces, while the Flesh Tearers Furioso Dreadnought tore through a group of Bloodletters of Khorne. However another Raider full of Wyches stormed through the city and unleashed its bloodthirsty cargo on a Salamanders Tactical Squad.
The end of Turn 4 |
Turn 5 saw the Death Company get slaughtered by a Dark Eldar Archon and the remains of the Tactical Squad killed off. There were few significant events this turn, and as it was the end of the day this was the final turn. At the end, the forces of darkness won by a mere 49 points.
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